Friday, July 12, 2019

Service and Reflection

Today was challenging on several fronts .
Every morning its a feat to have time for a morning service to get ourselves right with God’s plan for us each day , then fed , make our lunches , and fight Boston traffic for 45 minutes to get to our destination . But it works - usually
But today we had  one youth who not feeling well and since it could have been serious we decided to take her to the Urgent Care , who then referred her to the local hospital who eventually decided it was not serious and released her. But that meant juggling adults and cars  and calling parents and praying for her .
Rosies place as you have already read was unbelievable in the efficiency and kindness on how they fed 140 women in need . They feed between 400 and 500 a day with three meals .
 They provide a day shelter , help with work placement , provide counseling and a number of other services in South Boston.
This was followed by a trip to Sleepy Hollow cemetery that had some challenging moments.
Back at the ranch we were enthralled by an amazing dinner with unsurpassed service.
Evening reflections were meaningful and inspiring and followed by the kids playing a card game ,but best of all we got to bed by 11 am Yea !!!!

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