Monday, July 8, 2019

Day Two

July 8, 2019

Today we volunteered at a program called MANNA (Many Angels Needed Now and Always). MANNA is run by St. Paul's Cathedral, an Episcopal church in Boston. The program is based around building leadership skills within the homeless community as well as providing meals and worship opportunities. Once we got to St. Pauls, we sat in during a leadership meeting while the attendees shared thoughts about their day and asked questions about upcoming events. After the leadership meeting, we helped volunteers set up for lunch and sparked conversations with those waiting to eat. We served lunch to the homeless and ate with some of the leaders of MANNA.

Towards the end of lunch, Denis asked us to come listen to a story from one of the attendees, whose name was Henry. Henry shared his story of his struggles with addiction, and his transformation through God. He told us how God cam to him through his daughter, who gave him a reality check. This made him want to get help and make a change. He used opportunities to volunteer, which he said turned his life around. After he shared his story with us, he gave us advice, thanked us, and told us that we are the future. Our favorite quote from him was "We love you. God loves you. Everything will be okay, the journey moves on." 

Towards the end of our time at MANNA, we enjoyed their weekly Monday Eucharist. One of the things that we liked about the service was how relaxed it was, which allowed for free flow of thoughts and prayers. It was amazing to see how passionate the community was in finding Christ in their own lives. The service was very inclusive, with different members of the community doing readings, songs, and the sermon. The sermon was very simple, with five bullet points reflecting on the Gospel. After these points, the community members were free to add their own reflections. The conclusion the group came to was that God sees us for who we can be, not who we are.

After our time at MANNA, we explored the city of Boston. We walked part of the freedom trail, including The Old Granary Cemetery, where Paul Revere and other famous people are buried. Then we went to Mike's Pastries, home of the best cannoli in Boston. We also shopped in Quincy Market, and listened to a short talk at Faneuil Hall. 

Overall, it was a great first day. We met lots of different people and saw God in many different things. We are so excited for tomorrow and we are wondering what great things the rest of the week will bring. 

Post written by: Isobel M, Gwendolyn M, and Will S

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